MHA Communities Horsforth (Horsforth Live At Home)

Horsforth Live at Home Activities

The Most Up To Date Information about activities is in the newsletter below:

MHA Autumn 2022 Newsletter

MHA Spring 2022 Newsletter

Weekly Activities at Central Methodist church on Town Street.

A Short Trot through our activities… 2022


Bat ‘n’ Chat:  games of table tennis on the 1st and 3rd Monday of the month, all abilities welcome, no booking required.  A jigsaw will be available and refreshments too.

Indoor Bowling:  the hall at Central is set up for indoor bowls on the 2nd and 4th Monday of the month at 10.00, a small group of bowlers looking for new members, no booking required.  A jigsaw will be available and refreshments.

Book Club:  meets on the 4th Monday of each month at Central at 1.30, the group reads a book which is provided by Horsforth Library or downloaded onto a Kindle, which is then discussed the following month.  All bookworms are welcome, no booking required.

Art and Craft:  meets every 1st and 3rd Monday at Central at 1.30.  Members bring along whatever they are working on, there are always plenty of craft supplies on hand, occasional group projects and lots of friendly chat. New members  are welcomed with open arms.

Men’s Group:  meets at Central on the 2nd and 4th Mondays at 1.30.  If you are a man and would like to put the world to rights then just turn up, a very supportive group.


Bacon Butties:  every Tuesday, this “does what it says on the tin” doors open at 10.30 for the best bacon/sausage butties in Horsforth, even if we say so ourselves, served with a smile, a cuppa and good company.

“Anything Goes” Dancing:  at Central every other Tuesday at 1.15pm, from 8th February.  A variety of music and styles of dance with expert tuition from George and Barbara.  No booking required, just bring your dancing shoes and…keep dancing!!!

Tuesday Talks: a new activity once a month, please note that the starting time is moving to 1.30.  Speakers are booked to talk on a variety of interesting subjects, look out for the agenda at lunch clubs or in the newsletter.  All welcome.


Chairobics:  led by Heather from Home Instead at Central every Wednesday at 12.00.  You will need to book for this activity as numbers are limited.  A medium impact workout using the chair as a support.

Love to Move:  A chair based and dementia friendly exercise programme specially designed to get older people moving and functioning better, both physically and mentally.  Meets every 1st and 3rd Wednesday, at Central at 10.00.  No need to book, the more the merrier.

ReminiSing:  a brilliant band led by Richard who leads us in singing with plenty of repartee.  Meets on the 2nd Wednesday of the month, at Central, at 10.00, just turn up and join in the fun.

Smile Memory Café:  monthly themed activities, specifically aimed at members who are living with memory loss and their carers, lots of support available.  Runs on the 4th Wednesday of each month , starting at 10.00.

Shopping on the Minibus: weekly trips on a Wednesday to Owlcotes or Morrison’s Kirkstall.  Door to door service with 2 helpers…shopping and social!  This service requires booking.  9.30 onwards.


Lunch Club:   a café style club with delicious healthy home cooked food, including a weekly special, every Thursday.  Doors open at 10.30 – 12.30, plenty of time to meet up with friends old and new and keep in touch with community events.

Outreach:  a short “Thought for the Day” style church service led by ministers from the different denominations in Horsforth.  Runs on the 1st Thursday in the month at 12.45 after lunch club.  A space in our busy lives for prayer and quiet reflection.

Dance Fit:  an exercise activity led by Susan on Thursdays 2.00 – 3.00 this lively group mixes dance and exercise and is aimed at those with a more advanced level of fitness.

Walking Group: otherwise known as “Lyn’s Walks”, a friendly chatty group, local walks over uneven paths with some styles, so reasonable mobility and good footwear is required.  Walks start from Central at 10.00 on the 2nd and 4th Thursday of each month.


Walk and Talk: an escorted walk with 2 members of staff round Horsforth Park with the aim of building confidence, a good place for new members to meet others.  The group meets weekly on a Friday at 10.00 at the Hall Lane/Fink Hill entrance to the Park.  Bring money for a cuppa and a bun!

Befriending is one of the key services we offer to relieve the social isolation of vulnerable older people living in Horsforth. Befriending has many benefits such as reducing loneliness and enabling people to retain some independence, most importantly it gives people time to talk, reminisce and build friendships.