The Vision of St. Margaret’s Church is:
To be a vibrant Christian community, worshipping God and being nourished and challenged spiritually; To be a body of people who welcome all and care in practical ways; and who share and celebrate the love, truth and power of God with the wider community in ways relevant for today’s world.
The church also has Parish Centre next to the church which is a busy hub with many groups and meetings taking place throughout the week.
Minister: Rev N Sinclair
Address: Church Lane, Horsforth, LS18 5LA
Sunday Services
8am Communion Service
10.00am Sunday Morning Service
Summer: 6pm Evening Service
Winter (All Saints to Easter): 4pm Evening Service
Other Activities
Little Rockets Tots Group: Tuesday 9.15 -11am
Contact Details
Team Rector: Revd Nigel Sinclair
Adminstrator: Lisa Gallagher
Office Email: abbeylandscofe@outlook.com
Office Telephone: 0113 258 1719
Website: http://www.stmargaretshorsforth.org.uk/
The history of our church building started in 1865, when the incumbent of Horsforth parish was the Rev. W.H.B. Stocker. He, the parishioners and the patron of the living, Walter Spencer Stanhope, deemed the old Bell Chapel on The Green in Horsforth to be far too small to accommodate the size of the congregation. The Patron gave land for a new church.
A lack of funds and enthusiasm caused long delay before the present church was actually built. Its designer, John L. Pearson, was architect also of Truro Cathedral and several churches in West Riding. The nave and chancel were completed and dedicated in 1883. The belfry, spire and porches were added later and dedicated in September 1901. Thus, the full church building took over 36 years to complete.