Can you help for one hour? Churches Together at Horsforth Gala needs volunteers

Horsforth Gala is a great time for the community coming together for fun and friendship, hopefully in the sunshine! It is not far away now – Saturday 29th June, parade at 12.05, activities in the park from 12.30pm.

Each year Horsforth Churches Together has an area of the park and provides lots of activities, from exciting inflatable fun to sumo wrestling to other quieter activities. There is always a Tots tent and a seating area for people to sit and chat. All activities are free and we aim to provide a welcoming space and gently but visibly represent the churches and Christ in the community. The photos below give you a flavour of what we did last year!

Could you spare an hour to:

  • Help with a craft activity
  • Explain the quiz and give out sheets and prizes
  • Be a welcomer, with a friendly smile, listening ear and putting people at ease
  • Man the inflatable pole jousting
  • Man the penalty shoot out
  • Man the Sumo Suit wrestling
  • Sit and chat with tots and parents
  • Help with set up or pack down

Please note: All volunteers will need to read and sign to follow our safeguarding guidelines on the day; in addition we ask all those who volunteer to help with tots to have up to date recruitment documents and training through their own church’s safeguarding processes. Thank you.

If you can help for even just one hour it will be a great help. Please email DUNCAN on and say which hour (or two) you can do (see below):

10 -12 : Set up
12.30-1.30 pm: Helping with activities as above
1.30-2.30pm: Helping with activities
2.30-3.30pm: Helping with activities
3.30-4.30pm: Helping with activities
4.30pm: Pack Down

Please spread the word and encourage people you know to get involved. THANK YOU!!