This year we are encouraging people to celebrate the hope of Easter by putting up a this poster of the Empty Tomb painted for us by Polly Shepherd. The posters are available for free. They can be picked up from your local church rep or from a Box outside 5 The Grove, Horsforth LS184BB . Please use the hand sanitiser provided before handling. We have lots so please do come and pick one up.Read More →

  The events of Good Friday and Easter Sunday are celebrated across the world. Why is Easter so important? What does the death of Jesus and his resurrection mean for ordinary people today. To understand a bit more about why people celebrate Easter here are a few links you could try from different church traditions represented in our community, some from far across the world .. and some more local like that if our local primary school assembly team- The Resurrection Rhyme at the Bottom of the page   J John is an Anglican Vicar shares an Easter message   Robert Barron is a CatholicRead More →

Good Friday Service – which was live streamed from the Grove Link to Good Friday Service With thanks to Rev Mark Godfrey, Rev George Asomaning, Father Emmanuel and Hannah Childs for leading us in Worship. Images of Carrying through Horsforth on Good Friday set to When I Survey Images of Praying at the Cross set to Amazing Grace            Read More →

Around the Cross through out the day, we will be reflecting on the journey of Christ through a different scriptures and prayer at each half hour interval. Please join in this meditation and prayer using the resources below. At each half hour we will also be lighting a candle to remember all who have suffered through the pandemic. We also will be glad to take prayer requests for loved ones and bring them to Jesus in prayer as we stand and pray at the Cross. Prayer requests can be emailed to this email or posted in the box by the cross on the Grove onRead More →