My name is Laura Schubert and in March 2024 I began working as the new Refugee Support Worker  employed by Horsforth Chaplaincy Project and I hope to continue the brilliant work Rose McCarthy has been doing in this role over the last 2 years. I have lived in Leeds for nearly 7 years and love this city for its cultural vibrancy and all the friendly and welcoming people. I am part of Mosaic Church and you’ll often see me on my bike. I got involved in volunteering to support refugees 5 years ago through a Refugee Council project which Rose was leading. I am often inspired by theRead More →

From the Year 5 children from 6 schools experiencing Easter Rewind , to the many people both young and old (and dogs!) walking with us on Good Friday, plus the crowd who came to watch the film ‘Risen’, not forgetting all our Easter services in-between, we are glad that so many of us in the Horsforth community have been touched with the real meaning of Easter this year. REWIND TO EASTER GOOD FRIDAY WALK OF WITNESS Thank you to everyone who helped and to all who joined together with us!Read More →

You can access all our Lent Talks 2024 on THIS PAGE We enjoyed gathering at St Margaret’s Church to hear Bill’s engaging talk with insights and examples of how his values (drawn from his faith and Catholic Social Teaching) have influenced how he worked, responded and helped make decisions in his leadership roles in the NHS. There was lots of discussion and a fascinating question and answer session at the end:Read More →

With an increase in the number of men arriving at the local hotel and a faster turnover, the stocks of clothes and essential items have almost all been used up! Please do help us provide ‘Welcome Backpacks’ filled with essential items as pictured. Why not see if you have an unwanted/unused backpack lurking in your cupboard and fill it with as many as you can of the following items: Also desperately needed are UNWANTED PHONES please! You can take them to the Horsforth Community Cafe on a Monday or drop off at Holy Name Church Tues – Fridays 9.30 -11.30am, or drop off at CraggRead More →