‘Two Years On’ March 23rd 10-6pm – The Grove Garden, Town Street On March 23rd – Horsforth Churches Together helped people mark two years since the first lock down Writing on florist ribbon we are encouraging people to share their experiences of the last two years. Not a memorial as we know Covid is not over but a moment to publicly share struggles, acknowledge loss and give thanks for those who have helped us and been heroes to our communities. People’s experiences written on ribbon were tied to the railings in The Grove Garden and displayed for a fortnight to allow others to read andRead More →

Hidden Homeless Leeds is a grassroots organisation which supports people who are homeless, living in hostels or are generally struggling. They run outreaches in the city centre on Wednesday and Saturday evenings, providing hot meals, drinks, food packs, clothes, toiletries, and other items to around 100 people each time. They also signpost people to further relevant support. The outreaches provide social support as people come together to chat and have a laugh as well as finding a listening ear. Hidden Homeless communicates with other outreaches in the city centre, sharing information and resources as necessary. They are one of various outreaches, each providing support onRead More →

Below is some information on current food provision in Horsforth and wider Leeds. It will be updated as more services reopen post Covid. If you need a referral for a food bank or emergency food parcel, you can call Leeds Welfare Support Scheme on 0113 3760330. Horsforth Community Café Mondays 10am-2pm at St Margaret’s Church. Open to everyone. Aims: to reduce food waste, feed hungry people, and build community How it works: the café gets food from local stores, restaurants and individuals that otherwise would go to landfill. It is run entirely by volunteers, with profit going to local charities and projects. Pay as you feel eitherRead More →

Below are a variety of ways people can support refugees in Leeds. This is not intended to be an exhaustive list. Firstly, please look at what organisations are saying is the best way to respond. Donations of essential items In the Horsforth area, a group are collecting donations of men’s clothes and shoes/trainers, particularly for new arrivals to a local hotel. You can take them to Horsforth Community Cafe on a Monday morning or to Holy Name Church, Otley Old Road any morning Tuesday-Friday 9am – 11.30 noon. Please ring Amanda on 0113 2678257 before dropping them off. THANK YOU. Below are some of theRead More →