Bring your unwanted CLOTHES to this Clothing/Textiles event on Sat 2nd Sept 2-5pm, run by Horsforth Climate Action at St Margaret’s Church- find out lots of ways to Revive, Re-use and Rewear clothes rather than adding them to landfill! You can SWAP them for free, or DONATE MEN’s CLOTHES for local refugees; bring your clothes that need mending and get them repaired, and bring unwanted school uniform to swap for what you need! Plus make a pan scourer or learn about natural nappies! Don’t forget the regular Repair Cafe will also be running at the same time next door in the Parish Centre.Read More →

Events you might be interested in NEXT FREE FILM NIGHT is on Friday 9th Sept 6.45pm ‘THE DUKE’ Join us to enjoy watching ‘The Duke’ with Jim Broadbent and Helen Mirren. In 1961, a 60-year-old taxi driver steals Goya’s portrait of the Duke of Wellington from the National Gallery in London. He sends ransom notes saying that he will return the painting if the government invests more in care for the elderly. Free Entry, Refreshments at the Interval, Donations welcome   Film Nights at the Grove Film Nights are arranged regularly and anyone is welcome. They are free and booking is not normally necessary.  RefreshmentsRead More →