Cragg Hill Baptist

Cragg Hill Baptist Church was established in 1801 and has been sharing the life and love of Christ ever since. In the 1990’s it was adopted by South Parade Baptist Church (now renamed Cornerstone Baptist Church) and became one of its ‘gatherings’ benefiting from having a shared a ministry team.

We meet every Sunday morning @ 10.30am including a children’s group on 3 out of 4 weeks with an all age service on the 4th week.

Tots groups meet every Monday during term-time 10-11.30am

On Friday mornings you will find a warm welcome, cup of tea and a bacon sandwich at the ‘Drop In’ from 10.30 till 12.

Cragg seeks to be a church gathering for its local community. It has set up nine allotments on its land, most taken by people within walking distance of the Church;  it also hosts a Brownies group and provides space for a charity called Hidden Homeless, as well holding Community Days and other informal events.

As well as the Sunday service, Cragg encourages a number of smaller more informal groups for fellowship, fun and growing in the Christian faith. 

Team Leader: Duncan Stow
Address: Cragg Avenue, LS18 4LX
Cornerstone Baptist Church website: