EASTER activities with Churches Together

Rewind to Easter Kids Sessions Fri 15th March and Tues 19th March
Children from Primary Schools will find out all about what happened at Easter through these interactive sessions. If you can help on one of these days by serving refreshments, helping with craft or being a small group leader, please contact Duncan on duncan@horsforthchaplaincy.org

Good Friday 29th March – Walk of Witness and Service
11.00am: A few singers to meet at Bedford Court to sing hymns to residents. (Contact Phil Maud if you can join this group).
THIS HAS BEEN CANCELLED by Bedford Court, sorry.
11.30 am: Walk of Witness Everyone meet outside Central Methodist (near Library) – Follow the cross and sing hymns along Town St
12 noon: Outdoor service at The Green
12.30 pm: Hot Cross Buns and Soup at The Grove

Easter Egg Hunt at St James’ Sat 30th March 10-12
All are welcome to come and join in the Easter fun – search for eggs, have a go at the chocolate tombola, eat cake, drink tea/ coffee and find out something about the Great Easter Story.
All activities free, except the tombola and drinks.

Sunrise Service Easter Sunday 6.30am Hunger Hills
Nigel says ‘with an earlier Easter, this year you can have a lie in! We will start at 6.30am instead of the usual 6am!’
Meet at the Viewing Board in Hunger Hills Woods for a short service celebrating the resurrection of Christ.

Grove Cinema Friday 5th April 6.45pm ‘RISEN’ with Joseph Fiennes
Starring Joseph Fiennes. In 33 AD, a Roman Tribune in Judea is tasked to find the missing body of Jesus Christ, who rose from the dead.