Good Friday

Good Friday Witness

Identifying with the events of Good Friday, the Cross will be carried through the streets
of Horsforth from Church to Church between 7am and 9am remembering Jesus carrying his cross to Gethsemane. Each church are providing one person to carry the cross and two people to prayerfully accompany the cross bearer.

Once it has arrived at the Grove. It will will lifted up and position in it’s stand in the Church Garden. For the 6 hours of the                                                                        crucifixion from 9am to 3pm Christians                                                                               will take turns to stand with

the Cross to remember, give thanks for Christ’s great sacrifice and take time to prayer for the needs of our community. As the suffering of Jesus is remembered so that of the community for whom he suffered. Each half hour, a candle will be lit to remember those who have suffered through the pandemic and specific prayers offered for the suffering of all in the world. A box will be available for people to place their own requests.   At 12 noon a service of readings, songs and reflections will be live streamed on the Horsforth Churches You Tube Station.

A link to this service will appear on the Website soon.  

Whilst all the acts of this Good Friday will visible to the public, we ask that people don’t congratulate around the Cross other than to drop in prayer requests in the prayer box provided.