Alpha Course in Horsforth It will run on Sunday’s 6pm – 7.45pm with the first session starting on Sunday 5th March 2023  You are very welcome to come for the first session and see if it’s for you. Alpha is a great opportunity to explore to ask some of the big questions of life and consider how the Christian faith wrestles with them. Make friends, enjoy a light meal  together and ask any question, make any point. Rough Timings 6.00pm Welcome and get to know people over a light meal 6.30pm Introductions 6.40pm Watch the Alpha Film 7.10pm  Small group discussions 7.35pm Wrap up andRead More →

This year we are encouraging people to celebrate the hope of Easter by putting up a this poster of the Empty Tomb painted for us by Polly Shepherd. The posters are available for free. They can be picked up from your local church rep or from a Box outside 5 The Grove, Horsforth LS184BB . Please use the hand sanitiser provided before handling. We have lots so please do come and pick one up.Read More →