Horsforth Farmers’ Market is hosted by Horsforth Churches Together. It has it’s own website www.horsforthfarmersmarket.co.uk where you can find out details of stalls Our aims are for the market to be a vibrant market which supports a) local producers b) good stewardship of the environment c) positive community interaction The market is an outward expression of our Christian understanding of the need to cherish the God given planet on which we live. It is for this reason that we support local producers and provide a space for the community to flourish. Horsforth Farmers Market Regular Stall Holders Information and Delivery Options where offered.pdf We presentlyRead More →

Inters Youth Group remains shut due to Covid considerations Inters Youth Group is an after school club for Year 6’s and Year 7’s. It seeks to support young people as they transition to High School. The club runs 3.15 to 5pm on Wednesdays Term Time (missing the first week at the beginning of each term for staff training) It costs 50p to enter. Our values in the group are 1) Everyone welcome 2) Everyone having fun 3) Everyone learning Parents Guardians Information  a) Children are asked to provide an emergency contact and a breeze number. If you would like to provide this by email pleaseRead More →

Horsforth Chaplaincy Project is endorsed by the Horsforth Churches Together (HCT) meeting to organise activities and to represent HCT’s voice in various settings. Working as an independent charitable organisation, (part of LCCT charity number 1096860), the project aims to support the church as a whole in ‘helping Horsforth flourish’ in all aspects of the community. (It was previously known as the Horsforth Churches Community Outreach Project but changed its name at the start of 2021). For more details of our parent charity please see Leeds Christian Community Trust Have a look at our latest Newsletter to see what we do: Summer Newsletter 2024 Winter NewsletterRead More →

Women’s fellowship groups have been a long running tradition of many churches. They offer a space for women to come together to reflect on the challenges of life, support one another and hear stories of God at work in the world. You will receive a warm welcome at any of these groups. Monday:          1.30-2.30 pm @ The Grove Methodist Church 3rd Weds of Month : 2pm -3pm Mothers Union @ St Margarets Parish Centre, gentlemen welcome too.Read More →