Events you might be interested in NEXT FREE FILM NIGHT is on Friday 9th Sept 6.45pm ‘THE DUKE’ Join us to enjoy watching ‘The Duke’ with Jim Broadbent and Helen Mirren. In 1961, a 60-year-old taxi driver steals Goya’s portrait of the Duke of Wellington from the National Gallery in London. He sends ransom notes saying that he will return the painting if the government invests more in care for the elderly. Free Entry, Refreshments at the Interval, Donations welcome   Film Nights at the Grove Film Nights are arranged regularly and anyone is welcome. They are free and booking is not normally necessary.  RefreshmentsRead More →

Family Fun, Messy Church, Holiday Clubs etc There are several groups which meet around Horsforth, usually on a monthly basis with a focus towards younger families and in particular their children. Messy Church at The Grove Methodist Sunday afternoons 4pm – 5.30pm most months on 2nd Sun of the month We enjoy welcoming young children with their parents/carers to a time of fun, laughter, craft and food. Each session  has a Christian theme.  We always enjoy craft activities, songs and games together with a Bible story.  The afternoon concludes by relaxing over a homemade tea. There are no entrance fees but donations are welcome. ContactRead More →

Find out what’s happening and where? Horsforth Churches together support a host a number of activities and events throughout the year alongside joining with other community events. These change from year to year. Here is a list of some of the things that might be in the planning… Week of Prayer for Christian Unity Lent talks or small groups Easter week services : Good Friday Walk of Witness, Easter Sunrise Service Horsforth Gala Stall Horsforth in Bloom Litter Pick Civic Service Advent Service Carols in the Park. Horsforth Inters Youth Work Horsforth Farmers Market  Read More →

HCAP Are you in need of help? Unsure who to ask. Horsforth Community Aid Project has been set up locally and been appointed by the Doing Good Leeds to help link volunteers to those who because of the Corona virus need help. If you need help please contact the helpline NEEDING HELP: New hotline for Leeds – 0113 3781877 We know some people are alone and will need help from their local communities to get through. If you find yourself in this situation, where family and friends are no longer in a position to help and you are wondering how to get groceries and other essentialsRead More →