New men seeking asylum are arriving all the time to be housed in a local hotel (total 120 there at any one time) – they literally have nothing but what they are standing up in. Why not have a look around and see if you have any of these much needed items which will be so gratefully received. The items are distributed by the Friendship Group linked with St Mary’s Church and Horsforth Town of Sanctuary, who go to the hotel to run a conversation class every Monday. Items needed at the moment are: Men’s clothes of any kind Coats and warmer clothes ready forRead More →

Bring your unwanted CLOTHES to this Clothing/Textiles event on Sat 2nd Sept 2-5pm, run by Horsforth Climate Action at St Margaret’s Church- find out lots of ways to Revive, Re-use and Rewear clothes rather than adding them to landfill! You can SWAP them for free, or DONATE MEN’s CLOTHES for local refugees; bring your clothes that need mending and get them repaired, and bring unwanted school uniform to swap for what you need! Plus make a pan scourer or learn about natural nappies! Don’t forget the regular Repair Cafe will also be running at the same time next door in the Parish Centre.Read More →

The weekend of 1st and 2nd of July saw Horsforth buzzing with lots of artists opening their homes, hubs of activity in different spaces, and many expressions of art from all sections of the community. This year it also included the My Leeds 23 culture activities with lots going on at Calverlands Day Centre, and Climate Action focussed activities at The Grove church and centre. Here are just some of the ways our church community enjoyed being very much part of the action: Climate Action Hub at The Grove The Grove Church decided to allocate their church and Centre spaces to the Climate Action activities,Read More →

In the hot and humid weather on Saturday, over 30 volunteers did a great job of making people welcome at our Horsforth Churches Together patch in the Gala, with all free activities including the Tots tent, deckchairs for chilling out, big games, bouncy castle, penalty shoot out, Sumo wrestling, a Paddington Bear refugee activity, make a badge to support refugees, and two short dramas about the Good Samaritan story. A big thank you to all who helped and to all those who joined in! Families with little ones really appreciated a place to sit and play at the Tots Tent, whilst others had a goRead More →